Offers and Promotions

As well as offering great savings through our loyalty card scheme, we regularly run a variety of offers and promotions via our website, Facebook page and e-newsletter.

Hot Drink Offer

Get a cup of tea or coffee for only 50p (usual price £1.50) when you purchase any meal with chips or any butty on a weekday lunchtime. Offer valid Monday to Friday, 11.30am – 1.30pm. This offer can be used in conjunction with the permanent Lunchtime offers on our menu.

Loyalty Card

Towngate Fisheries Loyalty CardOur FREE loyalty card entitles the holder to 10% off all orders over £8 and can be used both in the shop and online. To get your card, simply ask for one next time you visit the shop. The card will be valid from the following visit. If you already have a card but it has expired you can still use it and we will replace it on your next visit.

You must show your card when you order in the shop. If ordering online via our click and collect service you need to enter the code shown on the back of your loyalty card in the "Enter Code" box in the basket and click "APPLY". Once applied, it will show as "DISCOUNT -10%" in your basket. Please make sure you apply the discount before making payment, as discounts cannot be applied retrospectively. If you have an older version of the loyalty card that does not show the online ordering code on the back please email us at with a photo of your card and we will send you the code. Please do not share the code with others. You must bring your loyalty card and show it every time you collect your order. If you have ordered online and used the loyalty card discount code, if you do not show your card when you collect your order, we reserve the right to charge you the amount of the discount before you can collect your order.

E-newsletter Offers

Our e-newsletter contains regular offers throughout the year. To sign-up, simply scroll to the bottom of any page on this website and input your name and email address. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the link at the bottom of the e-newsletter.

Facebook Offers

By liking our Facebook page, you’ll have special access to regular flash offers and promotions as well as the latest news and information.

Proper fish & chips!

“The batter is always crispy and the food freshly made, love the book a time slot, pay online them pick up, the staff are lovely and friendly, highly recommend.”

TripAdvisor Review, May 2020